Monday, February 15, 2021

Helen Keller & Anne Sullivan on WRA Campus

It is too bad that nobody took a photo of Helen Keller and her teacher, "miracle worker" Anne Sullivan, when they were staying on our campus in the summer of 1925 for a conference about the blind. A story appeared in the Reserve Record which documents this unusual happening. 

In this video made by Hudson Community Television (HCTV) in 2015, the full story of Helen Keller's visit to our campus, the student-led campus tours, and the excellent meals in Cutler (now Ellsworth) Hall, is told with several edited photos, including one of Helen Keller's books still in the John D. Ong Library. 

It should be mentioned that the play, "The Miracle Worker" was performed on campus in 2008 and was widely acclaimed for its wonderful performances, especially by neighbor George Velbeck's golden retriever who played young Helen Keller's pet.

MHH: Helen Keller visited Hudson, 1925 from Hudson Community Television on Vimeo.