Doc Loomis of Medina County, a descendant of the founder of WRA's
Loomis Observatory, visited the WRA archives and the 175-year old
building last spring. Loomis, a missionary Bishop with the Anglican
church, brought some genealogical books to share with WRA Archivist Tom
Vince, who had extended the invitation. Loomis was amazed at how much
material about Loomis and the Observatory is in the Archives. Opened in
September, 1838, the landmark building was 175 years old this fall.
Outside the door of the historic Loomis Observatory are visitor Doc Loomis with Archivist Tom Vince.
At the transit telescope, one of the instruments Loomis bought in England, are visitor Doc Loomis with WRA Archivist Tom Vince. |